5 Reasons that Listening and Compassion Foster One Another

  1. At the source, you are inherently empathetic and wise with the understanding that one is all, all are one. You understand that hurting others is to hurt yourself. You understand that helping others is to help yourself and more. What goes around comes around, for the butterfly effect can occur despite distance or time. Harvey Weinstein’s karma, for example, eventually caught up with him. And partisan politics affect adversely the entire U.S., such as the now long-running trillion-dollar budget deficit and recent Federal government shutdown.
    Don’t people realize that, when you feel heard, whatever original or fundamental problem that seemed to have existed is half-solved, such as in negotiation or conflict resolution. Gentle attentiveness sometimes is all that someone in need needs.Try gifting someone by paying loving attention. Don’t think about what you will say or need to say, just be present. After a few minutes or as the person pauses, ask a question, offer a comment or summary stemming from your observation about his or her emotions on a certain topic such as, “Your smile lights up when talking about your grandchildren.” “You seem so calm describing your family tragedy.” “What does it mean when you raise your eyebrows at the sight of so and so?” “Did I see you put your hands over your heart as if to protect it while describing your parent?” Listening with heart and gentle kindness usually leads you to a more in-depth conversation; go with its flow.
  1. Enlightening being Avalokiteshvara models the beneficial and beneficient results of listening by naming 32 types of beings that she manifests to transform those of the same kind, which range from the worst to the best among us. She shows how phenomenal capability and compassion are interweaved and directed toward all beings. The lesson demonstrated here is that compassionate enlightening beings manifest in various forms and may be right next to you; considering others as compassionate enlightening beings may intensify a cycle of kindness. The perspective change regarding any circumstance makes the worst tolerable, even leaving you grateful for the life lesson.
    The next time you’re upset at someone, try envisioning him or her as a secret enlightening being. Of course, use common sense too and know those who foster hate and crime, such as Hitler, are resolutely beyond the definition of instructive enlightening beings.
  1. Through better listening, you relate better to others’ experiences, emotions, needs and wants (whether verbalized or not). You empathize in a more useful manner with improved communication skills and instincts. For instance, when you were younger, did you really absorb the gravity of someone’s plight as well as you do now? More than being sympathetic, it’s about knowing people’s level of tolerance, and helpful ways to react, to speak, and to act. Until you have your own children, for instance, it is likely harder for you to know the depth of parental love, for kids in the family and sometimes in extension, for all kids. Unless you’ve experienced sexual harassment, you may have dismissed a girlfriend’s rants or tears over an experience. Perhaps only until millions of women shouted #MeToo did you come to realize or become ready to acknowledge the pervasiveness of sexual assault by powerful men.
    Remember to put yourself in others’ shoes when you can.
  1. Better ability to provide adequate help that entails material resources, people skills, providence, intellectual capabilities. The meditative listening practice is not just secular communication skills between two or more people; it’s about redirecting the usually outwardly focused listening and the external stimulants that are typically the objects of listening, it’s about exploring the subject, the listener, and it’s about lifting listening onto a spiritual plane that is boundless and profound, or dropping listening into the depth of your being that is profound and boundless.When you reach a psychological, social, spiritual impasse or bottleneck, you’re usually short of time and likely want to push forward or give up completely. That’s precisely the moment to take a little time to listen to the sound of silence, to the internal voice or higher power. Setting aside the problems for a little while allows you to hear possible creative solutions.
  1. Compassionate acts that create good karma loop around to aid you in your listening practice. The key here is not to be attached to the who, what, whom involved in an act of compassion. There are people who donate for reputation, for reciprocity in the future, for a sense of superiority. Instead of an egoistic act, compassion founded on kind intentions, freedom from attachment, and listening so as to relieve pain and spread joy aid you and those you aid at a higher octave, with amplified frequency.Take a moment to hear your intention and compassionate calling, if any, when you are not certain about your next course of action. It may just be a minute where you close your eyes, be still, and hear what’s around you and in you.