Category Archives: dhyana


28 Literal and Psycho-Spiritual Heavenly States for the Blessed

While you are agonizing over a numbness or ache in your body during meditation time, you may not think you are blessed like a heavenly deva, but you are. Heavenly beings are those with much blessings, such as for those of us residing in the West. It’s a privilege to have the opportunity to enter blissful meditation states, and beings of heavenly realms do that best. I mean heavenly beings in a literal and a figurative sense. For serious meditators, you may want to check your progress against the descriptions of these heavenly realms, analyzing and comparing them only after you exit meditation of course. Were you to think about how well you are doing in meditation during meditation, you wouldn’t be meditating well.

An Antidote for Hatred: Kindness

(Extrapolated from the Sitting Dhyana Samadhi Sutra) For beginners, start by being kind to those you care about. Make the wishes of your dearly beloved come true. Make them happy physically, psychically and spiritually by providing them with material gifts, for example. Practitioners focus on kind thoughts without veering. For…